ACCA P1, P3 to SBL - Syllabus Integration & Synchronisation

Facing the reality - there will never be 100% pass-rate for ACCA Papers P1 & P3. There would be less fortunate students whom might have to attempt the new Strategic Business Leader. Having said so, your knowledge is not wasted as most of the knowledge acquired from ACCA P1 and P3 are being repeated into ACCA SBL.

However, we are expecting really different skills & competencies in SBL. First, you will have to manage a giant-syllabus where you are expected to learn more and to know more before you can tackle this paper. Then, you have a judgmental 20-marks professional marks being awarded according to the way you argue your points, you present your points, you persuade your reader to buy your ideas - and YES: English is a pass-factor now.

I am showing you 2 examples of how 2 different answers would demonstrate differently in terms of their professional skills: 
Look at this two examples:

Answer 1: Outsourcing is good because it is cheap and cost-effective. With less cost spending, your company will improve its profits and shareholders will enjoy greater profitability. 

Answer 2: Outsourcing will benefit your company as it stands to reduce your operational expenditure by about 10% a year. This translates into an increased operating margin of about 3%. With this, you can divert the savings into more value-added spending like R&D and expect your company's competitive edge or advantage to rise in long run.   

Please face the reality that you do need to have a good command of English to be a competent professional accountant.  

And I am sharing with you the syllabus integration and syllabus synchronization of P1, P3 with SBL.
This is not a detail elaboration of the syllabus but it can serve as a simple overview to your understanding of SBL Paper.

You Might have to "Zoom-In" as when I try to upload them as "actual size" the file become too big and it then distorted the entire margin of this writing.

Thank you for reading.

God bless,
Mr Low Chin Ann

Thank you. 
Low Chin Ann is the Founding Director of Genesisorigo 



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