What the Lord has opened for you, nobody can shut you out


Written on: 16-June-2022 
Repost Here: 
About to travel overseas tomorrow for Our Bible Study Fellowship training. Feeling bit anxious, partly because of the distance and also the time i have to stay away frm home.
With things to clear off before my departure, there are many things in my head, and it has definitely made me absent minded. So today, i accidentally locked my office door with my keys inside. 
So i quickly texted my good brother Ben Tham to rescue. Imagine, i actually asked him how to break the door when i actually meant how to break the lock. He was super nice, offer to take few hours off to come all the way from MCKL to see if he can help me unlock it. Agreed - feeling bad of course, at 3pm.
So im feeling so helpless, can jus walk here and there, lie on the sofa, thinking what i can do. No computer, nothing, stranded and handicapped. 
Fast forward.. i do not know why and how, i jus took my key frm my pocket, where my MCKL room key is together with ny car key, and just for no reason i push it in and “da dang”. The door jus opened. I am amazed, astonished and shocked. 
Jonathan eyes opened wide and he came and took my key and started trying out all other doors, and guess what?? A miracle key that can open all thr doors? No, They cannot open any other doors except mine.
Im indeed so surprised and yet im so delighted. Quickly texted Ben and told him, he does not need to come anymore. 
Ok i know most of these keys have identical pattern, so they bound to hv the same set, but to have the coincidence of both the same locks for both my rooms in 2 different places, when these are 2 rooms were built like nearly 6 years apart - is a miracle to me. 
So, when i shared to another brother what happened, he texted this to me 
“Haha Chin Aun how the Lord arrange for a special key to your door. So what do you think the Lord is telling you? What the Lord has open for you no body can shut you out. May His peace go with you and bring you back safely. Amen.”
Revisiting God’s words in Rev 3 “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” Revelation‬ ‭3:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Initially, i was thinking to bring 2 laptops for my travel so i can spend time to prepare lecture notes to update new syllabus and so on. Now, i just wish to dedicate the entire journey for the Lord, and fly with full peace of mind. 

To God be the Glory 


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