Amazing Chinese Characters 惊人,奇妙,的中文

Chinese Character

First - I must confess, I don’t write Chinese. I barely able to recognise, perhaps, 100-200 Chinese words. However, I am thankful that I am able to speak Chinese and I am always amazed at the culture behind Chinese literature and I love the 4-character “chengyu” 成语 a lot.

Chinese character also amazed us with their “permutations” - that is to pick and mix few characters and use them to form a new meaningful character. This word was taught by my brother during my teen - the word called “water pump” 水泵. I remembered he told me the word 泵 “beng” is illustrating the sound of a stone dropped into water and it creates the sound of “pom pom pom”. That is a very profound memory “深刻” of mine..

When we go deeper into the Chinese Character, we can see the unique feature of Chinese Characters. Unlike most languages, where a “set of letters” (like English with 26 alphabets), the Chinese character is formed based on STROKES. It began with characters (象形 xiàng xíng image shapes and the can be a combination of a few characters to symbolise a meaning. Just like the word “心 heart” is radically used in many characters indicating an emotion.

And what I discovered about some Chinese characters is extremely amazing.

造 = Zao (创造 chuangzao means to create)
園 = yuan (Garden) (Even in the simplified form) 园
婪 = Lan (贪婪 tan lan = greedy)
禁 = Jin (Forbidden/Restricted)
鬼 = Gui (Ghost)
魔 = 入魔 Ru Mo (Devil entered)
裸 = luo (naked)
兄 = xiong (brothers)
兇 = xiong (murder) or simplified now as “凶”
船 = Chuan (Boat)
福 = Fu (means Blessed/Prosperous)
祥 = Auspicious

Do you wonder why these characters were written blended with certain “root-character” within them? Is there a meaning behind or is there a STORY behind the HIS-Story?

Let’s see if you would agree with these?

“GENESIS” - “the Beginning” is the book that describes Creation. That’s when God created Heavens and Earth and in it, it described God created “Mankind” - some scholars opined that it is in 4,000BC (that’s like 6,000years back)

造 = Zao (创造 chuangzao means to create)
This word is made up of 土 and 口 and “Bu Shou” of “Movement”. It also had the word “告” (Gao) means to speak.

It is stated in Genesis.. “And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so” So God CREATE by “Speaking”
And God created man from “earth”… as it is said “till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

園 = yuan (Garden) (Even in the simplified form) 园
We know, when God created mankind, he placed Adam and Eve within the garden as it is said “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.”. So, the Garden, is a “Zoned area within a box” 口 and the traditional Chinese 園 involved “2 persons” created from “earth” (God spoke using mouth 口). The simplified word Garden somehow retained the meaning of “2 persons” 二 儿

禁 = Jin (Forbidden/Restricted)
When God put the first Adam and Eve into the Garden of Eden, God told them you CANNOT eat the fruits from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” and instead, they should have eaten the fruits from “Tree of Life”. So, we see the choices given between the two TREE 木 木 (2 woods) and 示 (shi) which is revealing. “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” So - God made a revelation to Adam & Eve - DON’T choose that one Tree…. to STOP them from. And this word “示” (shi) is the same 礻(shi) for GOD. So, can also be interpreted as God Forbids.

魔 = 入魔 Ru Mo (Devil entered) and 婪 = Lan (贪婪 tan lan = greedy)
Then came the “Serpent” (Satan) to tempt Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. So, this 鬼 (Ghost) is a small snake appeared in the garden 田 to lie to little girl “儿” to tell her a “secret lie”.. Scriptures said “Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” and we knew that Eve fell to the temptation.. as it is said “she took of its fruit and ate”. And in Chinese, when one is cheated by the devil… we said “Demon entered into you” and we use this word “魔”. And you notice that this 魔 made up of.. the GHOST  鬼 … appeared in the woods 木 木 (to convince Eve to eat the forbidden fruit) and the whole scheme was made within a lie/cover 广. And we can see the reason for the fall of mankind is because of “GREED” (the Lust) - it is said “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise” So, it it the greed for wanting something good for the flesh, eyes and pride, mankind has fallen. And, the woman is the one first fallen. That is why the word (贪婪) (tan lan = greedy) is a woman, making a choice between the two trees.

裸 = luo (naked) and 躲 (duo) Hide
When Adam & Eve eaten the forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened and they realised they were naked. So, this word comprised of  礻“God” and 果 “Fruit”. So it brought out the story that, “once eaten the fruit God said No, you will feel naked”.
As it is said “the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” And do you notice, Adam was Hiding among the trees? and that came the word HIDE 躲.. where the “身” body is  hiding among the trees. 几 (ji) 木

兄 = xiong (brothers)
兇 = xiong (murder) or simplified now as “凶”
Then the creation accounts for the History of the twin brothers “Abel and Cain”. So, we have the Brothers 兄. But out of jealousy, Cain murdered Abel. It is said “And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him.” and then God punished Cain by chasing Cain away. Cain was begging for mercy, that others might kill him. So God did this.. “And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him.”. so, a Mark “x” was placed 兇 onto the brother 兄

船 = Chuan (Boat)
Then came the story of the Global Flood - the Noah’s Ark (the Big Boat) that saved the few persons before God destroyed all mankind for their sinful and wicked lifestyle. So it is said “And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him went into the ark to escape the waters of the flood.”  Noah had three sons with him, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. So, that adds up to 8 persons. So, when these 8 persons “八 口” 人 going into the boat 舟 (zhao). (We know this zhao is the small vessel as in the sayings “水能載舟,亦能覆舟”). And why 八“8” persons and not  十”10”.. because Noah and his family were exactly 8 persons.

福 = Fu (means Blessed/Prosperous)
so, the beginning of the fall of mankind is when men sin, and the blessed time was to go back to the time, when Adam was first made, and live in the Garden of Eden with God. That was the time, “God” 礻and “Adam” 一 口 was in the garden 田 where it is the most blessed 福 as Sin has not been committed yet.

祥 = Xiang (Auspicious)
And in the early days, when God gave His laws, He instructed “sacrifice” to be offered. That was the origin of burnt offerings, etc. And, we all know, Jesus has always been labeled as “Lamb of God”. Where He is sacrificed and with that, Peace is made, to reconcile mankind relationship with God. with Death Through Adam but Life Through Jesus. So, when the Lamb 羊 is offered to “God” 礻we get 祥 xiang.

So, when the OLD TESTAMENT (first section of the bible) describes the History of Creation - was it captured within the history of Chinesee culture, and where was Chinese originated then when God of the Bible discussed said about Adam and not “Ah Chong”.. and historically, we can relate it to the “Tower of Babel” event. This is the event explained in Genesis about why mankind originally spoke one language but then being divided and speak different languages, and scattered to different parts of the world. And could that explains the origin of Chinese and then the literature of Chinese captured the History within their Characters?

And, isn’t this amazing?

Finally... can you interprete this word "來" ?
Praise God.


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