New Dawn for Malaysia 09-05-2018

Malaysia has been under regime of "Barisan Nasional" government since its Independence Day in year 1957. With absolute powers of beyond 6 decades, it has been so corrupted and allegations and reports of news of how leaders becoming wicked, greedy and self centred have caused the citizens' anger to erupt. And, we have been through a long journey of at least 3 elections to see a change. In fact, in the previous GE-12th I was actually still quite BN-friendly but me too was brought along by the wind of change. 

I must therefore, re-post various postings from my Facebook, again as a historical records of my journey as part of the change: 

[Posted on 4-April-2018]
As we are entering into the coming election, may we all pray for God's will be done. May all our Christians brothers and sisters may join in prayers for our nation. Keep praying for the Nation.
Our Father in Heaven.
You are Holy, and Your Name is Holy and that Your Holy Name would always be glorified and honoured.
Father as our country is entering into election soon, let us all pray for you to be with all of us.
Father, in our hearts, you are always our King but help us to appoint your right ministers to lead us. Help us build again a nation that is pleasing to your eyes.
Father, anoint us leaders whom are able to lead us into righteous path, with integrity and leaders whom fear You for we know, a righteous man is a man who fears God. Anoint us leaders whom can bring light to the nation.
Father we ask in Jesus name. For Jesus said ask in His Name, and be done, so through Him you are Glorified.

[Posted on 10-April-2018]   
Cancelling our classes on 9-May 
So, guys.. Go & VOTE. 
Those whom are legal age but couldn't be bothered... shame on u. 
(Classes on 8th Videos Provided)

[Posted on 19-April-2018]
At the age of 93... still have to fight for the country. Ask ourselves, truly, do we have the energy even if we have the will?
I can only imagine, Him becoming PM and Anwar becoming Deputy? And then He passes the baton to Anwar... with that, the then 1998 incomplete history might then become fulfilled... God’s will? If it is, then it will be.
My LORD, u r my King. I always know You are in control and I leave it to You, to cast Your Final Casting Vote to choose... but truly I cry to You Lord for we repent our past and in need of You to be with us...
9-05 = 14.
And in Exodus 14:14 it says “The LORD will fight for you, you need only to sit still”...
I trust you LORD. 
In Jesus name, Amen.

Shared this video link:

[Posted on 28-April-2018]
In the video, he said... "my past mistakes".
God loves those who are humble and loves those who repent.
If God can forgive all mankind, why we human cant?
This is marvellous. This video said "Orang Kampung" may not know how difficult the actual situation out there... so, share la..
Yesterday the Star (27-4-18) reported these:
Mr PM NAJIB announced - All 60,000 DRB-Hicom Sdn Bhd workers nationwide will receive a special incentive of RM500 each, which will be given out on April 30.
Mr PM NAJIB also announced that 500 houses would be built under the People's Housing Project (PPR) in Pekan. These houses cost RM207,000 to be selling at RM35,000.
PEKAN - you know who is standing for election there right?
Shared this video link:

[Posted on 28-April-2018]
A very elderly man, with a tired look, not homeless man for sure, was at the Giant parking, directing me to park the car. When all of us came off the car, he greeted me and said something, which I must confessed i din pay attention to as initially I wanted to “ignore him”. Then I remembered of how God says, don’t deny the poor. For it is said “Give to everyone who asks you for something. Don’t turn anyone away who wants to borrow something from you.” So I decided to give him a small amount for maybe he needed it for his meal....his face has the “colors of in-need” and I honestly feel, many city dwellers are not making ends meet. No many would want to beg at that age, unless is out of desperation. I know of those live by skipping meals, eating on just rm3 a day, etc. My heart feel bad, i blame it on the poorly managed country. Sorry - I don’t mind whoever who leads the country, but we need someone righteous but somehow, I don’t see the current ones are. Sorry but YOU failed ur own citizens.

[Posted on 30-April-2018]
All mainstream media said Tun M will abolish GRAB. Obviously these are false news. Listen first hand from that man himself... Mainstream media’s are now cooking up news

[Posted on 1-May-2018]
RAFIZI - He is someone really deserved respects of Malaysians. Professionally, he is ICAEW. He speaks humbly. I felt his sincerity... Let's listen to this. Opposition has been disadvantaged by the mainstream media (we can play a role to reduce the imbalances - share. Even you cant vote, u can click SHARE, u can tell ur neighbours, u can explain to the Kampung folks).

Shared this video link:

[Posted on 3-May-2018]

Putrajaya Ceramah Mega.. this round of Election.. there is FB Live. It really creates the "wave" and the "mood".... nearly 30,000 live viewers. That's a REAL big concert.. and probably traffic too strong and "got kicked out" from the broadcast. I think Nik Aziz's son will be speaking later and of course Tun...
(Chinese has this proverbs: "Give Up the Darkness and Go for the Light")
May God has the final say, and put his casting Vote on the Righteous elects..

[Posted on 3-May-2018]
Fuiyoh... BREAK 50,000 viewers LIVE !!!!

[Posted on 6-May-2018]
Saw this picture in DS Najib FB... ha ha. BN doctored their photo and now they accused PH used Busses and Doctored Pics?? 
That guy being paid to do the job must be sacked lo, with that big “pixel” there... or maybe his conscience told him to “reveal the truth”?? Ha ha ha.

[Posted on 6-May-2018]
Should Watch... becos it enhances ur knowledge about “Money Laundering”. Remember u learnt in Acca “placement, layering, integration” techniques? And after watch... Share lah....
[ini adalah Semata-matanya satu episod pendalaman pelajaran subjek Anda. Ha ha ha]

Shared video link:

[Posted on 8-May-2018]
Tomorrow is an important day for all Malaysians.
We are having hope against hope. Some said they saw great hope in 2013 but.. (you know). waited Honestly, mine was but for 10 years. Malaysians saw their hope being dashed yet each time when we Malaysians are brought down to the low, we rise up to a greater spirit. Perhaps, deep down in us, we pursue truths. Man is made with conscience - a moral sense of right or wrong. .
Absolute power corrupts absolutely... The present government has remained in charge for 60years.
We know “temptations” and “money” of this world are extremelyvery strong. Don’t take this lightly. Never be-little this satanic power. Aand even very righteous person can ultimately be fallen into the evil of money, .. after-all we are born fallen, right from the root of Adam. So sometimes I asked myself, - if God allows me to confront so much riches of the world, can I withstand? Tthat’s why I am not rich as He knows me well and He loves me. (Thank God I have a right heart) Everyone has to go through tests - a great sword has to be forged through fiery furnace. Unlike God who can see the hearts of mankind (and only see the hearts of mankind) - I can’t see what are inside hearts of people, but we can see a person’s actions, speech and i saw DS Anwar, a man previously criticized for his ego and pride but made humble through years of torture, lows-of-life, jail and like Tun Mahathir, a dictator with flaws (well, ask ourselves - who do not flaw? Who do not make mistakes? And we must not be self-righteous and judge we are always the better one at the other side of the shore) but these people now putting behind all their past and be a changed man. To me, it is a never seen thing in the past of Tun Mahathir apologizing but now, I see him saying “minta maaf tuan tuan dan puan puan” very often. What made a man GREAT? Your muscles? Your money? Your Power? No - these all will fade. But is your humbleness. As a humble man is a man whom God guides and teaches. To me a great man is one who is able to say sorry when he is wrong. Honestly, if I am the strategist for BN - I would ask DS Najib to apologize for all alleged scandals, retreat from his entrusted role as a PM and that could be a revival. Too late by now. (Maybe that’s so far that is lacking?)
So brothers and sisters - tomorrow, exercise our duty as a voter. Vote with Conscience. We are not suppose to tell people who do we vote “undi itu rahsia” tapi “hati saya bukan rahsia”. I have done my part, at least I managed to campaign to some first time voters about not sure who to vote - and decided where the “X” to be placed. I have done and will continue to do my part. Have you?
However, whatever tide / wave / tsunami you seeing now - Don’t count Chickens until it hatches. The battle has started but the war is not won yet. And ultimately, I know it is still God who holds the casting vote. He has the final say. I pray that we have a peaceful country, and we come out stronger.
I give you a LIKE for the duty you are going to discharge tomorrow as a voter.
Thank you to those students whom are first-time voters and accepted what I have explained to you/observed.
A big SALUTE to some students for even taking the extra effort for flying back to Sarawak and Sabah to fulfil your duty.
Whatever outcome on 10-5-2018 - be it a New Nation or another 5 years of struggle, let us accept it with praise to God that He is sovereign and His ways are higher than ours.
God bless Malaysia.
(Photo credit: simply google, sorry for copyright)

[Posted on 9-May-2018 2.04pm]
God... my prayer is u help us bring Change but only if it is ur Will...

(photo showing all our family members after voted for the general election. The election process was extremely slow this time. We were made to wait in an inconveniently long queue) 

[Posted 9-May-2018 at 3.51pm]
Only 62% voters turn-out at 2pm. Still hv 3 hrs. Now another 1hr 14min... But many wars that were impossible historically still won because God is with us. Like Constantine winning his war against the Romans... Like Gideon fought and won with just 300 against many ten of thousandsss.. Let’s all pray for God be with us. For it is written “ if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”...

[Posted on 9-May-2018 at 4.36pm]
How can we tolerate this? Sending Fear to threaten people?? (Get back home Safe??) do I think too much? Pls Vote if u have not. Pls. Final call...

[Posted on 10-May-2018]
Merdeka. Merdeka. Merdeka.
We live to witness a great history though we have missed the 1957.
Praise God for He has delivered us.
I know the journey ahead is not going to be immediately beautiful and easy as there will be a lot of cleanup and fixing to be done, but the HOPE will let us go on.
I really see this cycle as God’s will. Tun Mahathir suppose to pass his baton to Anwar but 1998 incident has changed the political scenario. But, if that Passing of power did occur then, we won’t see the new dawn today. Because, then Tun Abdullah won’t be in power and without Tun Abdullah to let rakyat realized that it is possible peaceful change to opposition when Penang, Sgor, Perak fallen to Pakatan’s hand (back then), then we probably won’t rise and fought this war. And that’s how Sovereign and how high God’s way are. Praise God. Hallelujah.
Let us carry a Forgiving Heart and Thankful Heart.
I’m thankful to Pakatan Harapan, led by Tun Mahathir for allowing us to Unite behind him, and in allowing us to see today. Many people sacrificed a lot for us Malaysians.
I’m thankful to past BN ministers who did a good job to serve our nations. We do have good ministers. Don’t worry, we still need you for check and balance against PH, as absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Let us carry a forgiving heart - as that is what God wants us to be. He can forgive our sins, then what is it so great for us not to forgive others. Our outgoing PM DS Najib - I wish you well and hopefully this would allow a reflection on what you can do for a comeback in the future as a changed man.
Praise God. He delivered.
9-May-2016 Philippines changed government.
9-May-2017 South Korea changed.
9-May-2018 Msia changed.
God is not coincidence but a Masterplanner.

[Posted on 31-May-2018]
Our country has called for our help.
I wish to answer this call. I wish to extend a small help. It is not much, but we are talking about "Power of Unity".. as it is about "VOLUME here".
When this news of "Tabung Harapan" was brought out - I have heard this friend of mine said "One Crooked Guy's Fault and now ask we all pay for it? I will not Donate" Then, I even heard another friend said "I pay taxes you know?"
I believe, it is a different issue about we paying taxes. Government's revenue is earmarked for specific purposes according to their tax budget and of course, when government in debts, they cannot off-set it with other debts. They have to CREATE income - and asking from citizens for donation can be of some kind of help.
If you don't agree, It is okay - we do according to our willingness of our heart.
I only know, it is more blessed to give, than to receive.
I also know, this country, I have a responsibility.
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith, if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."

[Posted on 1-June-2018]

I happened to find this old Photo. Ha ha.
We were all young back then... he was the Prime Minister and then I never expected that he is still my Prime Minister now.
Just realised it was taken on 10-May-1996 and that exactly 22 years later...our History changed (9-May-2018)

And that is part of the journey of how I have contributed for my beloved Malaysia. 
Malaysia - Tanah Airku. 

And I always remember our Rukun Negara:
Maka kami rakyat Malaysia berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:
  • Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan 
  • Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara 
  • Keluhuran Perlembagaan 
  • Kedaulatan Undang-Undang 
  • Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan


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